Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The lonely vegan

It's not easy being vegan in Lincoln, Nebraska.  I don't know a lot of vegans.  There are no trendy diners serving vegan blueberry-corn pancakes.  Folks give me funny looks when I order my sandwich with no meat, no cheese, and no mayo...  And look out if I try to talk animal politics with the folks at work! 

I wanted to start a blog to document my winding, never ending path toward vegan-ness, and also perhaps as a comfort to any other vegans who, like me, live out in the boons and are constantly bombarded by bacon from every direction.  If you're the only vegan you know, let's talk.  I know there are plenty of us; we don't all have to be the lonely vegan.

I might like to use this place to share my story, and if you stumble upon this blog, please share your story, too.  I'll also share recipes, vegan news stories, product reviews, tips on surviving being the only vegan in town, and other random thoughts. 

I'll start with the story that prompted this blog:

I, of course, subscribe to VegNews, the world's finest vegan publication.  But it causes me a great deal of angst when I look at the stories about vegan vacations I can't afford to take and see all the ads for delicious vegan food that isn't sold within 500 miles.  For example, I have been DROOLING over all the descriptions of Daiya Cheese for, what, a year?  Maybe longer?  They tell me it's gooey, it's melty, is oh-so-cheesey!  Oh, why don't I live in Portland or New York!?

But a couple of weeks ago, there it was: Daiya Cheese in my very own co-op, only a few blocks away.  I selected the mozzarella variety and gladly shelled out the approximately $5.  I virtually floated home, so sublimely joyful and eager to stuff my face with cheesey goodness.  I lovingly sprinkled it on an enchilada (I know, shoulda gone with the cheddar variety, but I like mozzarella, okay!?!) and popped it in the microwave until it actually started to melt (!!).  I savored the spicy smell of my dinner, took in all the creamy, meltiness.  I took my first bite, and...  Eh, it was good, I guess.  Yes, it melted.  Yes, it stretched.  Yes, it was salty and creamy like cheese ought to be.  But it didn't taste like cheese.  And you know what I realized then?  That's fine.  Because I realized I don't actually miss cheese all that much.

It turns out that I was just freaking out about Daiya because I was curious and also cranky that every other vegan in the world had tried it but me.  And it was good.  Not life-changing, but the next time I make pizza (which is the one time I really do miss cheese), I'll probably splurge and buy some.  If, of course, the co-op still carries it then.  *Sigh*  The uncertain gustatory future of the Heartland Vegan...

I have similar stories about gardein, soyatoo, and coconut ice cream (which is the one thing that was EVEN BETTER than the hype).  Maybe I'll share my thoughts on those products, or you can share yours.  Until then!